Ways to deal with burnout and stress from a Bristol Osteopath

As we head into Autumn, it's become clear that there are patients looking for ways to deal with burnout and stress in Bristol.

The picture above shows some of my family members enjoying chill time!

For many of us finding enough time to switch off or chill is tricky.

As a leading Osteopath with over 25 years of experience, I'm seeing ever-increasing demands being placed on people.

This includes general stress and worry, longer working hours, building financial pressures from the cost of living crisis, busy family lives, and many patients simply trying to juggle too much.

These stresses can lead to mental and physical fatigue, burnout and eventually ill health.

What are the signs of stress and burnout?

Some of the following warning signs can be evident when stress and burnout are on the increase:

Reduced self-care and exercise

Convenience eating, loss of a healthy diet

Less personal time and space

Relaxation and hobbies are ignored or put off

These essential things that help to keep us happy and healthy need to be integral in everyday life. Even more so, when things are tough, busy and difficult.

How does stress manifest in the body?

I see the following issues with patients when they are stressed:

Back and neck pain increase

Muscles hold more tension

Shallow breathing and hyperventilation

Postural issues from sitting at desks

Poor sleep patterns and physical problems

Low mood and anxiety

How can osteopathic treatments help with stress?

Some of the ways in which a Bristol Osteopath can help patients suffering from stress and burnout include:

Improve the mechanical health of joints and muscles in the body

Mobilise injured and restricted areas

Get the body moving and boost circulation

Help to get patients moving and active again

Treatments also help alleviate stress and balance body systems

A good osteopath in Bristol will also be able to offer targeted exercises to tackle specific issues, as well as providing advice on how to improve overall body health.

What can you do to reduce stress?

I recommend that patients who might suffer from stress related issues or potential burnout try the following:

Increase their self-care routine

Confirm daily time just for them

Plan exercise and activities daily

Work on better eating habits

Hydrate - drink more water

Get to bed earlier and rest - Sleep is critical to good health

Check out this blog I wrote on ways in which we can maintain physical and mental health.

To find out more about the full range of osteopathic treatments provided at Alex Prince Osteopathy in Bristol, please visit here for details.